Success stories

What participants and our clients love about Soul Rewilding...

I loved the way Mike drew us into the story of the evolution of our planet and that we are continuing that story. He used storytelling and imagination, helping us connect and recall stuff from childhood. He was knowledgable and helped me feel more connected and yet saddened by what we have lost.

Martin Jarvis

"That was an amazing weekend - much more than anyone could have planned or imagined...It's about increasing our awareness of the awe of nature and how we can see the divine in it."

Chris Bemrose

"Thank you for a really excellent retreat, one of the best ... and most different ... I've been on."

Lesley Smith

"A powerful experiences of connection with the divine, nature and with each other in a collective act of confronting and grieving. My big takeaway was a realisation that we are invited to and powerfully equipped to call out the damage we are doing to our beautiful world and signpost a different way. Such powerful conversations with other participants role modelling contemplation, prayer and action."

Liz Hartley

"It was a perfect reminder that wonder is never far away even in that overlooked place. I was standing on sacred ground after all: that of the cathedral's and by extension that of Gaia's. Praying with a tree was feeling the earth and something greater; I felt connected, not least by the shared experience with the fellow tree seekers in the group and Mike's guidance. It was a joyful experience I'd like to repeat."

Joao Simoes-Brown

"A massive thanks for the weekend. It really was a healing experience."


"Rediscovering the awe and wonder of nature ... finding the divine in nature and the nature of the divine. About our place in the natural world. About community. How we sit alongside the rest of the community of creation. About reconnection"


"I felt renewed ... I needed to stop the madness and press the reset button. I need more nature in my life. More 'wild'."
